Super Standy + Flex Blocker Combo

  • Sale
  • $48.00
  • Regular price $53.00

Pair up our 2 most customized options, and save a few bucks!

Please keep in mind, contrasting colors work best
Black on Black or Red on Red wont show up!

Translucent Colors work best with other translucent colors, Translucent Clear on Black is very ghosty and hard to read!

Super Standy Custom Options:
Base Color - Bottom Plate Color
Accent Color - Arm Color
Text Color - Typically matches the base color, but can be anything
If you would like a logo, it is limited to 4 colors, INCLUDING the Accent color
Please email us a .pdf, .svg, .ai, .dxf, .jpeg in up to 4 colors. 

Flex Blocker Custom Options:
Base Color - Main Color
Text/Logo Color - Same rules, 4 colors max, including the base color